Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Everlasting Begining of a Blog

Enough with the pirate speak, let's get to the "brass tax" (one of many things i'm going to look up on google when writing this). Hmmm. So it turns out it's actually "Let's get down to Brass Tacks", like, actual tacks, made out of brass. Huh.

Yeah, no, this isn't going to be focused for awhile. If ever. But I think that's why i'm writing this right now, why I created this blog, why I've been wanting to make this for months now. I just want a blank piece of the internet to write on. To carve my thoughts on, no matter how meaningless, or random they might. Not for anyone's pity or anything like that, I just want to dribble. Let it all flow, you know what I mean? It'l be nice to share what I'm thinking, when I want to share it. And I guess it will work as a kind of time capsule, for my ever more cool and interesting future-self to laugh and cringe at. What a dick that guy was can be is will be.

Aww screw it, lists...everybody likes lists right? I like lists, their useful, their organized, and they look nice.

Lets do a list.

A (Brief) List of Reasons why I made this Blog;

1. To write my thoughts, to the extent I want to.

2. To get better at writing e.g. grammar, spelling, typing, structure of sentences etc.

3. To type on my amazing Das Keyboard, which I totally under-utilize.

So yeah, that about sums it up. I just wanna write man, you know? Writin'. It's fun. People read it. But only after you write it. Otherwise, they'ye either time travelers, or your just that slow. I also misspelt write about five times when writing that last sentence. It's amazing to have spell-check built into these websites. 

I also now know the difference between i.e. and e.g., because I looked it up, and lo and behold, "The Oatmeal" web-comic site..thing made a...thing about it. Which is awesome, because now when people who know the difference read the e.g. up there on the list, they won't judge me, and I'll be able to sleep at night. And that's always a good thing.

And so ends my initial post, bed time is calling, as did my manager from work today. Work, that's the reason I wont be updating this blog as much as I'd like, but that's ok, mo money, right? I'll try for at least once a week, as Iv'e already shown just how loose I'm writing this, I cant imagine it'l be that difficult.

Good night, lovely people, sleep tight.

and don't let the bed bugs bite.                                                                                  *ow*

This be but a test post ere'

Arr, indeed, this be but a small piece, in an interlocking chain of idears, thou shant come about easily of course, but with enough time and practice, even the most scurvy crew shall prevail these high seas! Seriously though, what the fuck I be talking about? Well, I suppose this be a good nuff test me laddies. And another thought while I be thinkn', this damned keyboard's keys are spaced much too close together, I'm constantly having to retype me words I be fat-fingerin'. Whats up with that, ye?

AAAAAnd, after much ponderin', I do believe this be publish worthy, and so I'll set sail upon ye sea, old dog! Wow, typing like a pirate is surprisingly fun. I think my vocabulary is larger in pirate speak than in regular english. ARR.