Friday, September 26, 2014

Pleasurable Quickies & Money

Holy tits on a donkey, there are people reading this thing!? Hi, hello there, how are you? How's the weather up there?

College dude, thats whats up. It's been up, and thankfully, not down as of yet, although if exams get any tougher, that might go down indeed. Now, when I write, I imagine my english teacher professor reading what I'm writing, and constantly shaking her head. Which is self-critical, but necessary if I want to improve in any way, as like a lot of people, I seem to write how I talk, not in a refined, thoughtful, eloquent and easy to understand manner. But I have been making some videos.


I just finished a week of 1-2 videos being uploaded every day, which is awesome, but only possible because I haven't uploaded anything in 2 months, which I spent, at least a small part of, making and finishing some Dead Island videos, amongst other things. I only recorded one episode, Ep. 8, but I still needed to edit 6, and 7 (I completely forgot to upload Ep. 5 when it was finished, which is unusual). There was a small reason I lagged on editing those videos, 6, and 7, I mean, and that's because of a rather funny moment that popped up in 6.

There's a bit in the episode where I help an infected guy and his wife... anyway, I really enjoyed watching it while I was editing, and thought, the scene, which was all in all only about 2 minutes, could be made into a video by itself. It would be something like a trailer for the episode, something I could post anywhere as a kind of advertisement, like on reddit, which is where I usually promote my videos. That idea led me to start working on an end-slate, something that appears after the gameplay is over, a part of the video that would show various annotated videos on my channel, something that would allow for newcomers to delve into other videos on my channel if they enjoyed the "trailer". Nefarious tactics, always.

Anywho, I was never happy with the end-slate I worked on, so after a month or so of nothing, I scrapped it and finished the short video, dubbing it a Dead Island "Quickie", which I think is nice because it sums up what it is very simply, and in the regards of being humorous, the intro is ridiculously goddamn cheesy and terrible. Which is great, of course.

With the Quickies, I want to make something that I can promote for new viewership, and something that has value to people already watching. By uploading a quickie of an episode before that episode is uploaded, I think it works in that regard, by giving subscribers a sneak peek of what's next. Although you could say cutting the best parts of an episode into 2 minutes might result in people losing interest in watching the full episode once it's uploaded could be considered a problem, I don't think it would be.

The Playthrough videos on my channel have never been about making the best, most compelling video possible, they've served more as a whetstone to sharpening my commentary skills more than anything, and of course allowing me to have tons of fun while being able to share it with people.

I also spent a little time on an Ultra HD (as in 1440p) video that I made for Fallout New Vegas, which I will maybe turn into a weekly series, as its just so damn easy to sit somewhere beautiful and record various camera angles for hours hehe. I'll talk more about those videos later, if I make more of them.

And there's one more thing.

I have been making videos on the ol' YouTubes for years now, and among the many reasons I love making videos specifically on/for YouTube, making money has always been something I've dreamed about doing, in a consistent manner. Making this my job would be awesome, extremely aggravating with my current internet as of now, but awesome nonetheless. Of course, I'd have to make videos that get lots of views if that was to ever happen. Looking back to my two most popular videos, both of which are Mod Guides for Fallout 3, I think that if I were to make more mod guides, my channel would grow. There are many large communities of modders out there, and a load of YouTubers taking advantage of that by making weekly mod shows. I love PC gaming, and modding is a big part of that. I also love video production. And I really love making mod videos, which I think is a weird fact, as I never made any more after my first two.

What i'm getting at is, I'm making a Mod Guide, (I'm calling it an "Overview & Installation Guide")
for a mod of Fallout New Vegas. At first I was thinking of making a mod show dedicated to New Vegas, which I was gonna call "Mojave Mods", but instead I'm making a mod series on any and all PC mods for any and all games. I think this is better than focusing on a specific game, and can help deferentiate me from other modding channels, which is always a plus. For every video, I want to not only show off what the mod is all about, but also how to install the mod for whatever game it is. This means finding the mod I want to make a video on, downloading it, installing it myself, playing and testing the mod, gathering footage of the mod in-game, writing a script for the voice over in the video, and finally editing it all up into a coherent sequence that hopefully answers any questions viewers might have.

So yeah, I'm making mod vidsies again. Which is awesome.

Thanks for watchi reading, and have a great rest of your damn life. Do come back and see me though. Obviously.

Good god am I finding Art History to be interesting though. That shit is awesome. Makes me optimistic about college not being a pile of bologna.

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