Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Alright, break that champagne.

This is the first post for this version of the blog, and I'm renaming it to Carbonated Studios, which will now be a supplemental blog for my YouTube channel, as the description reads. For a moment in time, this was something of a diary for me, I didn't really write much on it, but still, "I Have A Blog, and I Must Type" is no more. Now it will be a blog focused on the videos I create for my channel, detailing the process of how they were created, and brainstorming ideas for future videos. 

I've been branding the "Carbonated Studios™" name on my videos since I started the channel, but I haven't really explained what that means. From the moment I thought of the name, it's only purpose has been to act as a kind of signature, showing that me, Kelsy Terry, was the one who produced the video. Basically it means I edited it, and occasionally shot and/or wrote it. The name itself has little relevance, I call it a studio in hopes that one day it won't just be me sitting down on my PC and recording gameplay, but something that encomapsses a team of producers, a real company of sorts. That isn't to say anything wrong with the way it is right now, I only mean to look optimistically into the future of what it could be. But for now, it just means I did/made it.

I thought that making an intimate, personal blog was a good idea at the time when I created this, but I much like the idea of writing about my videos more than that. Not to mention that things can get weird if you put a bit too much info of yourself on the internet, you know, small world and all. I was hoping it would lead to a kind of journey blog, for when I (hopefully) start traveling around the world, something I want to do very much. But college must come first, so it will be a a good 5 or so years until that starts, so for the moment, or more specifically, for this summer, I will focus this blog on an ongoing look at video production for my channel.

That all being said, I will still etch some personal notes on this wall from time to time, but keeping it professional (to certain degree) is important to me. There are lots of things I want to do this summer as far as creating videos go, and, again, I plan on making video production related posts for as long as I make videos.

I should really start uploading though, I haven't put up a video in over 10 months. Good lordy, thats a long time. Thats like several thousand years in internet time. 

Well, thanks for reading, and I hope to have a fun and productive summer ahead of me!

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